Is it really surprising that it is in such a mess? I wouldn't be surprised if they even declare this is a mega super duper success after the games though we would have lost name, money, not an improvement in anybody's life, time wastage, the corruption that went into all the deals and what not but still it would be marked as success by Suresh Kalmadi, Jaipal Reddy and M.S. Gill with endorsement from Womanmohan singh and of course Mrs S Gandhi. In 80s, if such a thing happened, Doordarshan and All India Radio would have twisted the story and would have made the mess look like a great thing. Only BBC radio would have divulged the truth but only to few select peoples who tune to it regularly. As time could have it, Media guys never had a better story to run apart from the Kashmir situation. But there is more masala in common wealth games stuff and therefore media would have devoted more time and effort to it. Kashmir has been a problem since 1947 who cares nothing new about it! Send some politicians there as Army and Police are not quite adept...what a joke.
At least BBC out of this whole bunch still reports news as news and nothing is "breaking news" there. If one listens to BBC anywhere, CWG is a subject that is discussed in their world bulletin on a daily basis including interviews and opinions with sports managers of all participant countries, listeners would have by now known that it is nothing short of mess. One of the comments goes like this "we didn't come here to wear glows and shoes to clean up toilets, we came here to play sports". This was aftermath the rain and fall of bridge. In short, this is another feather in the crown for these corrupt croonies. Most of the countrymen will spent time discussing this, blogging, tweeting and finally forgetting it. Media will anyway get some another forgettable story. Last laugh however will be of the officials, businessmen and politicians who made money through this. Why will they care whether its a hit or a flop as long as they are winning and country is losing. They though forget that any chapter in history has shown that only good work works. Stupid guys were trying to better Beijing Games. Then learn from them on how they did it. Even they faltered with strikes in Tibet and China is still not a model country that everyone wants to emulate. On top of it India was confused whether to allow Charles to inaugurate or Pratibha. Chapadganjus, what do you mean by common wealth - it is for the erstwhile British Colonies and that has been the tradition.

At least BBC out of this whole bunch still reports news as news and nothing is "breaking news" there. If one listens to BBC anywhere, CWG is a subject that is discussed in their world bulletin on a daily basis including interviews and opinions with sports managers of all participant countries, listeners would have by now known that it is nothing short of mess. One of the comments goes like this "we didn't come here to wear glows and shoes to clean up toilets, we came here to play sports". This was aftermath the rain and fall of bridge. In short, this is another feather in the crown for these corrupt croonies. Most of the countrymen will spent time discussing this, blogging, tweeting and finally forgetting it. Media will anyway get some another forgettable story. Last laugh however will be of the officials, businessmen and politicians who made money through this. Why will they care whether its a hit or a flop as long as they are winning and country is losing. They though forget that any chapter in history has shown that only good work works. Stupid guys were trying to better Beijing Games. Then learn from them on how they did it. Even they faltered with strikes in Tibet and China is still not a model country that everyone wants to emulate. On top of it India was confused whether to allow Charles to inaugurate or Pratibha. Chapadganjus, what do you mean by common wealth - it is for the erstwhile British Colonies and that has been the tradition.
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