I usually read "The Hindu" as they are more close to the absolute journalism and believe in reporting facts. Most of the other newspapers report the confused combination of the news plus the biased opinion plus own judgement. But as a change from norm, I started subscribing to the masala newspaper "Times of India" for my stay in Bangalore. With its usually masala headlines that I see in the morning gives me a good start for the day. But today when I picked up the newspaper and saw this headline "No financial crisis impact? India's poor grew by 34 mn" (online edition - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/No-financial-crisis-impact-Indias-poor-grew-by-34-mn/articleshow/5553859.cms), it was an interesting article (nothing surprising or really a "news" material). It just proves that most of us are so blind or like to be blind to the reality that all are gung-ho about recovery, post recession, good times, entertainments such as shiv sena - Rahul, MNIK, IPL. The same "India shining" brought down the vajpayee govt but gave another term to Sonia Govt for "Inclusive growth". Poorer getting poorer, more people getting poorer does not sound like "Inclusive growth". Anyway people admire the useless politicians for what they show off than how they have been useful. How does it matter if poorer grew or some 17 jawans died in an avalanche. They are all random events...

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